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Get to Know Us

Each of our incredible team members has gone above and beyond to bring the vision of WALK TO KYIV to life, putting in the time, resources and dedication necessary to truly make a difference. Learn more about them below.

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The walker

Freelance journalist, writing for Wired Italy from January 2021. Feminist and ally, his dream is for Ukraine to win the war, join the European Union, and for the world to be driven by progressive ideals of social and environmental justice.


The manager

Activist, marketer, journalist, feminist and member of the LGBTQ+ community. Strongly intolerant of all forms of reactionism and conservatism. She dream of a world where people like Putin are just a memory.

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The editor

Accountant, math teacher, screenwriter, photographer, director, actor, chef. He would do any job except priest and policeman. He loves chess, Roberto Bolano and improvised podcasts.

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The copywriter and social media manager

Worked as a trainer for people in unemployement for the Autonomous Province of Trento. Dealing with workers' rights. Active member in associations (ELSA-European Law Students Association) aiming at promoting european values. Federalist and strong advocate for european integration. Reader, loves history and languages (modern and ancient).

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